Product Details
Rivil Capsules contain 13 super herbs like Shilajit, Kokilaksha, Bang Bhasma and Ashwagandha.
What Functions Does Rivil Serve?
- Ashwagandha Ext.: Increases strength and stamina
- Shudh Shilajit: Boosts testosterone and male power.
- Safed Musali: Combats fatigue and weakness
- Shatavari Ext.: Powerful male tonic & Anti-Oxidant effect
- Kavach Ext.: Ameliorated psychological stress, improved sperm count and motility
- Mulethi Ext.: Improves semen production and quality of sperm.
- Gokhru Ext.: Increases blood flow to the male organ
- Jatiphala: Shows Libido enhancing effects
- Lavanga: Boosts libido in men
- Salam: Enhance performance as well as to increase vigor and vitality
- Ikshuraka: Increases the time of intercourse by delaying ejaculation.
- Bang Bhasma: Purifies semen, treating infertility.
- Kokilaksha Ext.: Improves testosterone level and helps to lower erectile dysfunction.